Friday, October 30, 2009

In Time

In time I'll find who I truly am,
I will find out what took me where,
In time myself will become my way,
I'll be me on that wonderful day,
In time my enemies will be my friends,
No matter what I am my end!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

!Love in so many ways from so many people!

Whenever I see someone that I like, I try not to be shy because I want people to see my side that tells who I really am and I'm an outgoing, energetic, fun, funny, talkative, caring, loving person! If you dont believe me, you can get to know me personally and you'll see that I'm agreat individual! I have so many dreams that literetly scare me because they show me things of my past that I really dont want to remember! See I'm adopted and it doesnt really bother me(well that part atleast) and I really dont know my real mom to well and my real father? Well, lets just say I've never met him. Well anyway, the other night I had a dream about my real mom and my sisters, my brother and myself. We were in our kitchen and my real mom was talking to me and we were all walking around in the kitchen. I woke up like "Wow. Was that real?" I soon after realized that it was real, but it happened when I was really little, I cant even remember what age! I 'm very serious about the impression I make on people. In school, I dont goof off unless I'm in gym with my friends! My mother(the one who adopted my sister and I) always says to me or to other people "Kadazya always is reading or writing!" Kadazya is my real name. Then people will say, "Girl, you got a smart girl." then she'll say, "Dont I know it!" I dont brag, but have you ever just felt so good because you hear your mom say something good about you, but you never knew she noticed what you said or did? Well needless to say, thats how I felt! I love my mom and I'm so proud to have a mom like her!


I want to say thank you to everyone who gave me those comments and it seems that you all are great people and I'm so proud to know that I actually hace people who like my writing! I'm writing a book and I'm already on my fourth chapter. Its NOT negative, but I just put my fealings into a story of a 15 yearold girl with natural feelings and problems! So I really want to know if my followers think I should put my book on my blog for you all to read.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Most of the time I don't know what to say because it doesn't seem to really matter. I try to be strong when people dis me like I don't mean anything!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Just Be You!

If someone doesnt think of you as important, you need to not worry about it because you are just as special as anyone else! Just recently I did a 'Friendsip' test on my friends. Now I know it might seem childish for a 13 year old girl to do, but I found out who my friends really are! One girl I thought was my friend really wasnt, so I'm fine with the group of friends that I do accociate myself around. I just be myself and in the end it works out right!
When people look at me as different, I applaud them! Its no use in feeling deprived of my feelings but being glad people take out enough time to try and hurt me! I 'd like to know from people, what would you do if someone got in your face about something that they felt was wrong with you? I need to know what others feel and what they think!


Tears they shed here and there,
They just flow, I couldnt bare,
Its so sad yes I know,
But tears will come and tears will go,
Pull me up and pull me down,
Either way, tears hit the ground,
Take me from my joy, ok,
But I will just cry all day,
Hold them in, Put them out,
I'll just scream,cry and shout,
I have shed them through the years,
Yes I have shed so many TEARS!